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HR Topics for the Small to Medium Size Business Owner

How Finding your Key Logs Help you Make Money

Check out that log jam.  Looks bad, doesn’t it? Do you ever feel like that picture describes how work gets done (or doesn’t get done) in your business?  Promising progress all jammed up by poor communication, confusion, and/or bureaucracy. That’s a profit margin killer right there.  This is NOT what you want.

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The Trust Algorithm

Trust is the foundation.  Trust is the glue.  Trust is the magic pixie fairy dust that makes your business better.  We all love trust– all the kinds of trust – trust that people will do what they commit to do, trust that people will keep promises, trust that people will behave consistently, and trust that

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Innovate Like a Champ and Not a Chump

There still exist products that are (mostly) the same as they’ve always been that are still valued and still purchased.  They’re almost all commodities with low margins or offerings in stagnant markets, but they exist and many billions are made selling them. That’s a lot of money to spread around, so maybe innovation doesn’t matter

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Performance Reviews Aren’t the Problem

You can’t get through a week these days without reading about another high-profile, progressive, cooler-than-teal business eliminating performance reviews. So provocative! The story goes like this: Do you hate those horrible, lengthy, largely irrelevant standardized performance review forms your HR department forces on you? The solution is simple. Get RID of them. Throw babie out

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Best Practices Rarely Are

Best practices are so last year!  Perennially.  By the time a practice gets labelled as best by some authority, there’s an innovator somewhere finding a better way. Or, more likely, a better way for their situation. Best practices are what you use when you aren’t sure and want to be safe.  When CYA is more

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Fair Pay Rarely Feels Fair

Let me explain. By “fair pay”, I mean the measures of fairness typically used by a business when setting pay – education, experience, market rate, and negotiating power. By “feel fair” I mean to you, the person in the role, pay is a non-issue.  You aren’t beset with a painful sense that you are paid too little for the value

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The Meeting After the Meeting is Where Real Decisions are Made

You’ve seen it happen.  The team meets, discusses issues, and comes to apparent conclusions largely influenced by the biggest-title-in-the-room.  Then, after the meeting, a few people huddle in the hallway saying the things that should have been said in the room.  The color interpretations.  The queries about “what that really meant when so-and-so said that

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Hierarchies Can Enhance Trust

These days, smart and humble people know that flatter is more better, networked holocracies are the new bestest way to generate business utopia, and all hierarchies are bureaucratic soul-sucking entities. That’s the narrative.  And it’s crap.

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Contact Us

We’re not your standard blocking and tackling HR professionals, therefore, we’re quite easy to talk to and level with. Schedule a consultation with us if you’re seeking an HR partnership and ready to Unleash People Energy™ to propel your team’s growth. Whether you need us for an hour or a standing meeting to build and run the leanest and simplest people practices, we’ve got you!

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Suite 300
Durham , NC 27709
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