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HR Topics for the Small to Medium Size Business Owner

the year 2024 with visualization of confusion

Are You Ready for 2024?

Do we really know what awaits us all in 2024? Forecasting the future is a popular pastime, but boy is It hard to get these guesses right. Sure, we know some things. We observe some things. We’ve seen this pattern before.  This is important information.  But we are fallible humans. We fool ourselves about what

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Employee Wellbeing as a Top Business Strategy

Wellbeing has become an important element to consider in today’s workplace. Wellbeing is defined as the overall mental, physical, emotional, and economic health of employees. According to recent research, wellbeing is influenced by various factors such as employees’ relationships with co-workers, their decisions, and the tools and resources to which they have access. According to

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The Difference Between Interesting and Important

Hello CEOs, Presidents, and CXOs.  Hello people in positions of authority to make far-reaching decisions.  Now think of something interesting related to your business.  You have it in your mind now?  See it?  See how you’d like to solve it?  OK.  Now, is that thing important?  Of course it is! Maybe it is.  Is it?

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You’re Probably Wasting Money on Leadership Development

Business leaders I know react one of two ways to this statement. Ha!  It goes to show what you know.  We don’t bother with that fluff.  We’re too busy working.  Our leaders learn on the job. No way!  We know how important it is to equip our new leaders with how to do things.  We

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Egos are Good

  Egos are good. I always knew I was going to be rich. I don’t think I ever doubted it for a minute. (Warren Buffett) That’s interesting. But what about humility, today’s uber-meta-necessary silver bullet of awesome leadership?  The thing we all want to be, humblebragging aside, but can’t really call ourselves.

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Managers are Accountable for Employee Performance

Let’s talk about being a manager. I’m not just a manager, I’m a leader!  So you say. Now don’t go spreading yourself too thin. There’s more to this manager thing than you know. Remember what I said in Truth #8 about performance reviews?  I said that you, as a manager, are responsible for the performance

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We’re not your standard blocking and tackling HR professionals, therefore, we’re quite easy to talk to and level with. Schedule a consultation with us if you’re seeking an HR partnership and ready to Unleash People Energy™ to propel your team’s growth. Whether you need us for an hour or a standing meeting to build and run the leanest and simplest people practices, we’ve got you!

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