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HR Topics for the Small to Medium Size Business Owner

6 Ways to Improve Remote Team Productivity Without Being Creepy

Remember the “good old days” when you could see people in their cubes so you could tell they were working? Wrong! Seeing people with your eyes doesn’t guarantee their productivity and performance. But with Performentor, it’s obvious that having a fully remote team racks up our salary expense while having a negative impact on productivity.

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Top 3 Reasons Your Startup Could Use Some HR

As the owner of a fractional HR services firm, you might think I am inclined to overestimate the value of HR for a small organization.  “When is the right time to add HR?” and “Isn’t HR expensive?” are questions frequently posed to us and ones that we were reminded of during CED’s recent Venture Connect

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Adding a Twist of STOOPID to SMART Goals

As the late John F. Kennedy once said, “Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.” New years bring with them the possibilities of improvements, changes and successes which take time, energy and focus to attain.  As a fractional HR services and organizational behavior management consultancy, Performentor frequently works with businesses on performance related projects

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A Roadmap for Your Business’ Growth

Your business is growing and you want to keep the momentum going. Tomorrow you will hire your ninth employee, but someday soon you hope to hire your 99th. While each new hire presents unique challenges and opportunities, what we at Performentor have found is that there are key similarities in the challenges and decision points

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What is People Science Anyway?

People science. It’s all over my LinkedIn page, my website, and other Performentor.biz collateral. I want to talk about what I mean by this phrase and why it’s important to me and how I do my work. And why it’s important for you too.

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Solving the Values-in-Business Mystery

You’ve seen it happen again and again. You are debating with your team on how to solve a big, hairy problem. After much deliberation, you see one solution as best. Another leader sees a different solution as ideal. And here you thought you two were all synced up on your goals. What the heck do

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How Finding your Key Logs Help you Make Money

Check out that log jam.  Looks bad, doesn’t it? Do you ever feel like that picture describes how work gets done (or doesn’t get done) in your business?  Promising progress all jammed up by poor communication, confusion, and/or bureaucracy. That’s a profit margin killer right there.  This is NOT what you want.

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The Trust Algorithm

Trust is the foundation.  Trust is the glue.  Trust is the magic pixie fairy dust that makes your business better.  We all love trust– all the kinds of trust – trust that people will do what they commit to do, trust that people will keep promises, trust that people will behave consistently, and trust that

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The Difference Between Interesting and Important

Hello CEOs, Presidents, and CXOs.  Hello people in positions of authority to make far-reaching decisions.  Now think of something interesting related to your business.  You have it in your mind now?  See it?  See how you’d like to solve it?  OK.  Now, is that thing important?  Of course it is! Maybe it is.  Is it?

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Contact Us

We’re not your standard blocking and tackling HR professionals, therefore, we’re quite easy to talk to and level with. Schedule a consultation with us if you’re seeking an HR partnership and ready to Unleash People Energy™ to propel your team’s growth. Whether you need us for an hour or a standing meeting to build and run the leanest and simplest people practices, we’ve got you!

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600 Park Offices Drive
Suite 300
Durham , NC 27709
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