Frequently Asked Questions

What can we help you answer today?

FAQs & Beyond

Below are some of our commonly asked questions but there’s a good chance you may not see yours here. That’s okay! What we do is quite unique and it’s that way because each business we work with is also unique. Please don’t hold back in asking us your questions, no matter how “out there” they might feel. Contact us here. We’re happy to help in any way that we can!
Yes. We often provide recruiting support either as part of a broader engagement and sometimes just the recruiting. We provide support for the parts of the process you’d like help with and charge by the hour. There is NO contingency fee. We operate the way an internal recruiting team would function– but with the flexibility to adjust our hours up and down as your needs change.

A small, growing business has to be responsive and nimble. So, we’ve developed flexible engagement models with operationally tight processes to stay in sync with your business rhythms. This enables us to identify and respond to emergent issues and patterns before they become crises, avoid or minimize distractions, and maintain focus on longer-term strategic priorities for your team and your business.

We realize the kind of support your business needs varies and may require different levels of strategic and tactical abilities. We assign a team of consultants with complementary capabilities who are best matched to meet your needs. You will have a 1st Chair consultant who will lead the engagement and a 2nd Chair with different and complementary skills to match the needs of your company. In addition, your support team has access to a wide array of other experts who can assist in the background to make sure all of your key needs are covered.

Even though we are fractional (part-time) and “outsourced”, our operating principles dictate that we work hard to become “we” with you and your team. One way we accomplish this is by having one or two key team members as your ongoing support team. The engagement is led by the “first chair”, who is your key contact. The “second chair” is the additional consistent team member who has complementary skills. This model enables us to provide you with the highest quality, on-target, and cost-effective support possible.

Our contracts are flexible and only require 30 days’ notice for cancellation.

Absolutely. We aim to meet clients where they are and offer flexibility for that reason.

Yes. Our team consists of HR Generalists up through Senior Leaders who can serve as an interim CHRO.

Most of our fractional HR services are delivered remotely.  We have consultants and clients spread out across the United States. Partial onsite support is an option if we have a consultant in that area.

Contact Us

We’re not your standard blocking and tackling HR professionals, therefore, we’re quite easy to talk to and level with. Schedule a consultation with us if you’re seeking an HR partnership and ready to Unleash People Energy™ to propel your team’s growth. Whether you need us for an hour or a standing meeting to build and run the leanest and simplest people practices, we’ve got you!

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600 Park Offices Drive
Suite 300
Durham , NC 27709
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